
La trayectoria profesional del Dr. Alberto Breda está marcada por una evolución in crescendo motivada por un solo objetivo: no dejar nunca de aprender. A lo largo de su carrera, ha ocupado 4 puestos académicos en 3 países distintos, así como ha ejercido distintos roles dentro de hospitales internacionales. Por otro lado, acumula más de 40 premios y/o reconocimientos

Premios y Reconocimientos

2022Joaquín Albarrán award to the best audiovisual communication: Trasplante renal asistido por robot guiado por realidad aumentada 3D: Revelando lo oculto. Asociación Española de Urología Congress.
2022Best video award: 3D Augmented Reality-Guided Robotic-Assisted Kidney Transplantation: Revealing the Concealed. American Urological Association Congress. 
20212nd prize Joaquín Albarrán to the best audivisual abstract: Resección transuretral en bloque versus convencional de tumores de vejiga: análisis intermedio de un ensayo aleatorizado prospectivo de un solo centro. 2º Congreso Nacional Virtual de Urología AEU.
20211st Prize Joaquín Albarrán to the abstract: Resección transuretral en bloque versus convencional de tumores de vejiga: análisis intermedio de un ensayo aleatorizado prospectivo de un solo centro. 2º Congreso Nacional Virtual de Urología AEU.
2021Chairman of the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS
20201st prize winner of Best Video Abstract Awards: Innovations and technical variations in robot-assisted kidney transplantation: Results from the ERUS working group. EAU Virtual Meeting 2020.
2019Chair elect of the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS)
2019Best paper on clinical research: European experience of robot-assisted kidney transplantation: minimum of 1-year follow-up. 34th EAU annual Congress, Barcelona, Spain.
2018Co-Director of Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics. Leipzig, Germany.
20182nd prize to the best article awarded by Actas Urológicas Españolas: Therapeutic options and predictors of cancer-specific recurrence and mortality in patients with bladder tumor after kidney transplantation: multi-institutional analysis.  AEU National Annual Meeting, Gijón, Spain
2018Director of Tranining Course: Living donor robotic-assisted kidney transplant. AEU National Annual Meeting, Gijón, Spain.
2017Scientific Board & Local Organizing Committee Member of Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics. Bordeaux, France.
20172nd FIU Prize «Joaquín Albarrán» to the best poster presentation: Robotic kidney transplantation: Results after one year. LXXXII National Congress of Urology, Toledo, Spain.
2017Best Poster: Robotic kidney transplantation: European one-year data. 32nd EAU annual Congress, London, UK.
2017AUA Best Poster Winner: Bladder Cancer: Upper Tract Transitional Cell Carcinoma. AUA2017 Boston, US
2017Best paper presentation: Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (CLE) in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma (UTUC). XX Simposium of Catalan Society of Urology (SCU), Barcelona, Spain.
2016Honorary Member, Georgian Urological Association, Tbilisi, Georgia
2016Arthur Smith Award, Endourological Society. WCE 2016, Cape Town, South Africa
2016Director of Robotic Courses in Kidney Transplantation ERUS/EAU
2016Chairman of the Laparoscopic Group of the ESUT/EAU
20151st UTUC Referal Center (Storz/Cook) in Europe.
20151st Robotic Kidney Transplant in Spain/Europe
2015Chairman of the European Guidelines in Kidney Transplantation
2014Co-Director of Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics. Barcelona, Spain.
2014Award for the best Spanish team for kidney paired donation ONT
2013Promotion to Ex-officio member of the ESUT/ESOU.
2013Best oral communication award: Living donor kidney transplantation. Experience in our center.  Catalan Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting. Barcelona, Spain.
2013Best Poster Award: Clinical performance of serum isoform [-2]proPSA (p2PSA) and its derivatives, namely %p2PSA and PHI (Prostate Health Index) in men with family history of prostate cancer. Results from a multicentric European study (PROMEtheuS project). 28th Annual EAU Congress. Milan, Italy.
2013Best Poster Award:  PHI (Prostate Health Index) and %p2PSA for prediction of prostate cancer in men younger than 60 years of age. A nested-case control study from PR0psa Multicentric European Study (PROMEtheuS project). 28th Annual EAU Congress. Milan, Italy.
2012Joan Fíguls Award for the best surgical technique video presentation: Retroperitoneal approach for arterial microdissection in partial nephrectomy without ischemia. Simposi de la Societat Catalana d’Urologia. Girona, Spain.
20123rd prize to the best oral communication:  Frozen section of the distal ureter at the time of radical cystectomy: indications based on clinical predictive factors. Spanish Urology Association Annual Meeting. Vigo, Spain.
20126th Urological Challenge Award. 21st European Urology Forum. Davos, Switzerland
2012First Price EAU Winter Forum “Challenge the Experts” (Davos, CH)
2011Board Member of the ICE group (International Collaboration in Endourology/
2011Promoted to Associate board member of the ESTU (European Society of Transplantation in Urology)
2011Best poster presentation “Lithiasis” European Association Annual Meeting (Viena, Austria)
2009Best presentation at the Catalan Association of Urology on “Expanded criteria for kidney transplantation”. Manresa, Spain
2009European Proctor for Prostate and Kidney Cryotherapy
2009Promotion to Expert in ablative technology for ESUT/EAU (European Society of Uro-Technology)
2008American Proctor for Prostate and Kidney Cryotherapy
2008Best poster presentation “Renal tumors: Diagnosis” European Association Annual Meeting (Milan, Italy)
2008Best clinical research paper of the year, European Urology
2006Third price at the Western American Association of Urology Meeting for best poster in kidney cancer
2002Resident of the year. Padua University

Mejor póster en la sesión de Carcinoma Urotelial de Alta vía Urinaria

Chicago, AUA | mayo de 2023

Cargos Académicos

AñoPosición o cargo
2009-nowChief of the Kidney Transplant Surgical Program, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & Fundació PuigvertBarcelona, España
2009-nowAssociate Staff Oncology and Endourology Units, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & Fundació PuigvertBarcelona, España
2006Assistant Professor, Department of Urology, David Geffen School of Medicine,
University of California
Los Ángeles, USA
2006Clinical Instructor, Department of Urology, David Geffen School of Medicine,
University of California
Los Ángeles, USA

Premio a la mejor publicación publicada en una revista científica

EAU, 2007 | (Izq a Dcha) Responsable de Karl Storf, Dr. Alberto Breda y Profesor Francesco Montossi

Cargos en Hospitales

AñoPosición o cargo
2009-nowDepartment of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Universitat Autonoma de BarcelonaSpain
2004Department of Urology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of CaliforniaUSA
2000Department of Urology, University of PaduaItaly