Cursos y Conferencias

El Dr. Alberto Breda ha sido invitado a 113 cursos y congresos internacionales, ha sido invitado en más de 160 ocasiones en calidad de moderador y/o speaker, así como ha tutorizado cerca de 30 cursos de laparoscopia y endoscopia. Es autor de 85 video presentaciones y dos cursos online.

2025Mobile World Congress 2025
20252º Curso de Especialización en cirugía robòtica urológica
2025XXXIV Reunión Nacional de los Grupos de Litiasis y Endourología, Laparoscopia y Robótica
2025EAU Webinar
2025II Curso de Cirugía Robótica del Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
2025EAU Webinar RAKT
20245th Edition Masterclass on Robot-Assissted Partial Nephrectomy 2024
20241er Curso de Espelización en cirugía robòtica urológica
2024Università Statale di Milano- Politecnico di Milano
2024XXI Edición Formación en trasplante renal de donante vivo
2024ESU-ESUT Masterclass on lasers in Urology
202427th Simposi Societat Catalana d´Urologia (SCU)
202426th Panhellenic Urological Congress
202421th Meeting of the EAU European Robotic Urology Surgery (ERUS24)
2024EAU Webinar
2024LXXXVII Congreso Nacional de Urologia AEU
2024XX Challenges in Laparoscopy, Robotics & AI
2024Worlwide Robotic Surgery Event (WRSE12 Urology)
20246th Surgery in the 3rd millenium
202439th Annual EAU Congress
202412th International Techno-Urology Meeting (TUM)
20235o Curso Internacional de Endourlogía. ENDURO
2023SIU eGRAND ROUNDS 2023 (online)
202313th International Meeting T&T Technology and training in Endourology
2023ESU-ESUT Masterclass on Lasers in Urology
2023Formación en Trasplante renal de donante vivo. XX Edición
202320th Meeting of the EAU European Robotic Urologic Surgery (ERUS2023)
2023UROonco23, EAU Section of Oncological Urology (ESOU)
20237th Annual Innovations in Robotic Surgery – AUA Satellite Symposium
202317º Congreso Societat Catalana de Trasplantament
2023XI Jornada ACES
2023Robotic Radical Prostatectomy UROwebinar in collaboration with ERUS
20221st Annual World Congress of Robotic Surgery
202219th Meeting of the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS22)
2022Formación en Trasplante Renal de Donante Vivo  – XIX edición
2022ESU-ESUT Masterclass on Lasers in Urology
2022New Frontiers in Kidney Trasplantation
202212th European Congrees of Andrology (ECA)
2022Webinar AEU
20224TH SURGERY IN THE 3RD MILLENNIUM: THE FUTURE IS FEMALE. Two days of laparoscopic, robotic and endourological surgeries
2022AUA 2022 New Orleans
2022Virtual eGrand Rounds SIU Academy – Update in Urothelial Cancer Management
2022XXX Reunión Nacional del Grupo de Trasplante
2022Semi-Live GLOBAL
2022ESU-ESOU Masterclass on Non-muscle-invasive bladder
2022XXIV Reunión Nacional del Grupo de Andrología y VI Reunión Nacional del Grupo de Cirugía Reconstructiva
202219th Meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology (ESOU22)
2021Endourology Society’s Masterclass in Endourology & Robotics Online
20214 Curso Internacional de Cirugía Endourológica
202138th Brazilian Congress of Urology
202121th Annual Congress Belgian Association of Urology (BAU2021)
20212º Congreso Nacional Virtual de Urología AEU
202118th Symposium Urology Arena
2021ESU-ESUT Masterclass on Lasers in Urology
2021CAU Peru
2021II Reunión Nacional Virtual GUO
202120º Congresso Nazionales IEA
202136th Annual Congress EAU21
2021Virtual SIU LIVE Play
2021ESU-ESUT-ERUS Masterclass on Partial nephrectomy
2021Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics
20211ª Reunión Nacional Virtual del Grupo de Trasplante AEU
2021ESU-ESOU Masterclass on Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
2021ESOU21 18th Meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology
20219th International Techno-Urology Meeting (TUM)
20206th Edition Urology Robotic Oncology Paris (UROP)
20201er Congreso Nacional Virtual de Urología AEU
2020ESU/ESUT Masterclass on Lasers in Urology
2020UA Surgery Week & 14th Forum of Prostate Disease & SIU Training Course
2020Virtual T&T
20207th Chinese European Urology Education Programme (CEUEP)
2020XXV Congreso de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Urología Pediátrica (SIUP)
2020XXXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Urología (SEU)
2020XXXIX Congreso de la Confederación Americana de Urología (CAU)
202093° Congresso Nazionale SIU IBRIDO
2020EAU20 Virtual Meeting
2020ESU-ESOU Masterclass on Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer, Prague, Czech Republic
202019 Congresso Nazionale IEA, Rome, Italy
20208th International Techno-Urology Meeting (TUM), Torino, Italy
201937th World Congress of Endourology, Abu Dhabi, UAE
201992º Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Urologia, Venice, Italy
2019Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Bilbao, Spain
2019AUA Annual Meeting. Chicago, US
201934th EAU Annual Congress. Barcelona, Spain
2018Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Gijón, Spain
201833rd EAU Annual Congress. Copenhagen, Denmark
2017Challenges in Endourology. Paris, France
2017AUA Annual Meeting. Boston, US
201732th EAU Annual Congress. London, England
2016World Congress of Endourology. Cape Town, South Africa
2016Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics
2016AUA Annual Meeting . San Diego, US
2016EAU Annual Meeting. Munich, Germany
2016Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2015CAU Congress. Cancun, Mexico
2015World Congress of Endourology (WCE). London, UK
2015Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN) National Meeting. Valencia, Spain
2015Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Salamanca, Spain
2015AUA Annual Meeting. New Orleans, US
2015EAU Annual Meeting. Madrid, Spain
2015Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2014Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN) National Meeting. Barcelona, Spain
2014Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Tenerife, Spain
2014AUA Annual Meeting. Florida, US
2014EAU Annual Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden
2014Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2013World Congress of Endourology (WCE). New Orleans, US
2013Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Granada, Spain
2013Challenge in Endourology, Paris
2013International Meeting Challenges in Endourology and Functional Urology. Paris, France
2013Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2013AUA Annual Meeting. San Diego, US
2013EAU Annual Meeting. Milan, Italy
2012TNT, Turin
2012World Congress of Endourology. New Orleans, US
2012Challenges in Endourology. Paris, France
2012Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics. Rome, Italy
2012Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Vigo, Spain
2012Italian Endourology Association Meeting (IEA). Manfredonia, Italy
2012European Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Paris, France
2012Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2011World Congress of Endourology (WCE). Kyoto, Japan
2011Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Málaga, Spain
2011World Congress of Video Urology. Turin, Italy
2011Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics. Lipsia, Germany
2011Taiwan Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Taipei, Taiwan
2011American Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Washington, US
2011European Association of Urology Annual Meeting
2011Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2011Italian Endourology Association Meeting (IEA). Rome, Italy
2010World Congress of Endourology, Chicago, US
2010Spanish Society of Transplantation Meeting. Seville, Spain
2010Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting.  Bilbao, Spain
2010American Association of Urology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, US
2010European Association of Urology Annual Meeting
2010Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2009South Arabian National Meeting. (MMSA) Damascus
2009World Congress of Endourology (WCE) Munich, Germany
2009American Urological Association annual meeting. Chicago, US
2009Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2008Challenge the Experts. Davos, Switzerland
2008EAU Annual Meeting. Milan, Italy, 2008
2007Evidence Based Medicine in Urology (EBM). Athens, Greece
2007Italian Society of Urology Congress. Bari, Italy
2007American Urological Association annual meeting. Anaheim, US
2006World Congress of Endourology. Cliveland, US
2006Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics, Rome, Italy
2006American Urological Association annual meeting. Atlanta, US
2006UCLA State of the Art. Los Angeles, US
2005World Congress of Urology (WCE) Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2005UCLA State of the Art. Los Angeles, US
2005American Urological Association annual meeting. San Antonio, US
2004Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting. Oviedo, Spain
2004Italian Society of Urology Congress. Milan, Italy
2003European Congress of Urology
2003Prostatic Biopsies Course (EAU)
2003Laparoscopic Course, Madrid
2003Laparoscopic Course, Paris
2003Laparoscopic Course, Bordeaux
2003Course in Urologic Ultrasonography
2003European Congress of Urology (EAU). Madrid, Spain
2002EAU Annual Meeting, Birmingham, England
2002GUONE Congress
2002Italian Society of Urology Congress. Perugia, Italy
2002European Society of Urotechnology Congress
2002Laparoscopic Course: Europe meets America, Italy
2000Laparoscopic Course. Bassano del Grappa, Italy
2000Italian Congress of Urology
2000Italian Society of Urology Congress, Bologna, Italy

Congreso Anual American Urological Association | Chicago | Mayo 2023

Congresos: moderador y/o speaker

2021Endourology Society’s Masterclass in Endourology & Robotics Onlineonline
202138th Brazilian Congress of Urologyonline
2021BAU2021 online
202118th Symposium Urology Arena online
202124 Simposi SCUonline
2021Philippine Endourological Society Annual Conventiononline
2021ESU-ESUT Masterclass on Lasers in Urologyonline
2021ERUS-DRUS21: 18th Meeting of the EAU Robotic Urology Section in conjuction with the 13th Meeting of the German Society of Robotic Urologyonline
2021CAU Peru 2021 online
2021XXVII Congreso Nacional de Urología, Sociedad Boliviana de Urologíaonline
2021Webinar Uro-Onco sessions II, Federación Argentina de Urologíaonline
2021II Reunión Nacional Virtual GUOonline
2021Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Cancer – An update ESTPU teaching NHS FIFE Virtualonline
202120º Congresso Nazionales IEAonline
202136th Annual Congress EAU21online
2021Kidney cancer Virtual ESU course during the national congress of the Ukrainian Urological Associationonline
2021Visión multidisciplinar del cáncer de próstata: Controversias, Hospital de Sant Pau Barcelona, Spain
2021ESU-ESUT-ERUS Masterclass on Partial nephrectomy online
20212nd Annual UC COURSE: emerging personalized therapies for the management of urotelial carcinomas online
2021The 3D world congress on surgical training SURGICON online
2021Virtual eGrand Rounds: Innovations in Urologic, SIU Academyonline
2021UROwebinar Current role of robotics and KTx (in collaboration with ESTU and ERUS)online
20211ª Reunión Nacional Virtual del Grupo de Trasplante AEUonline
2021ESU-ESOU Masterclass on Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Canceronline
2021ESOU21 18th Meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology online
20206th Edition Urology Robotic Oncology Paris (UROP) online
20201er Congreso Nacional Virtual de Urología AEUonline
2020ESU/ESUT Masterclass on Lasers in Urology virtualonline
2020UA Surgery Week & 14th Forum of Prostate Disease & SIU Training Course online
2020ERUS-DRUS online
2020T&T online
20207th Chinese European Urology Education Programme (CEUEP) online
2020Current Trends in Urology, Web Lectures by the International Urological Community, Hellenic Urological Association (HUA) online
2020CAU Congress online
202093° Congresso Nazionale SIU IBRIDOonline
2020Orsi Academyonline
2002Society of Robotic Surgery Simposium online
2020EAU20 online
2020ESU-ESOU Masterclass on Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Prague, Czech Republic
202019 Congresso Nazionale IEA Rome, Italy
20208th International Techno-Urology Meeting (TUM) Turin, Italy
20207th Meeting of the EAU Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT20) Leipzig, Germany
202017th Meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology (ESOU20) Dublin, Ireland
2019III Curso Internacional de Cirugía EndourológicaValladolid, Spain
2019T&T Turin, Italy
2019ESU-ESUT Masterclass on Kidney Transplant Madrid, Spain
2019SMIT Heilbronn, Germany
2019II Curso internacional de cirugia laparoscópica y robótica en UrologíaBarcelona, Spain
201915th Meeting of the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) Lisbon, Portugal
2019AEU National Annual Meeting Bilbao, Spain
2019114th AUA Annual MeetingChicago, US
201922nd Catalan Society of Urology Simposium Barcelona, Spain
201934th EAU Annual Congress Barcelona, Spain
2019XXIX Reunión Nacional del Grupo de Trasplante AEU Valladolid, Spain
2019User Meeting Italiano in Urologia Robotica Florence, Italy
201916th ESOU19 Meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology Prague, Czech Republic
2018ESU-ESUT Masterclass on Kidney Transplant Madrid, Spain
201836th World Congress of Endourology Paris, Frace
201815th Meeting of the EAU Robotic Urology Section ERUSMarseille, France
2018Challenges in Endourology (CIE18)Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2018AEU National Annual Meeting Gijón, Spain
2018III Día del Residente  AEUGijón, Spain
2018EAU-TUA Meeting Taipei, Taiwan
2018The Talents 2018 Paris, France
201833rd EAU Annual Congress Copenhagen, Denmark
20181st ESU-ESOU Masterclass on Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder CancerPrague, Czech Republic
2018ESOU18Amsterdam, The Netherlands
20186th International Techno-Urology Meeting (TUM)Turin, Italy
201716th AAEU Annual MeetingDresden, Germany
2017II Curso Internacional de Cirugía EndourológicaValladolid, Spain
20177th International Meeting Technology of Training in EndourologyTorino, Italy
201726th Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation SocietyBonn, Germany
2017Chairman Guidelines Panel Annual Meeting Budapest, Hungary
2017Key Issues in Endourology- Royal Academy of MedicineLondon, England
201737th Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie Lisboa, Portugal
20174th Meeting of the EAU Section of Urolithiasis EULISVienna, Austria
201714th Meeting of the EAU Robotic Urology Section ERUS17Bruges, Belgium
201735th World Congress of Endourology Vancouver, Canada
20171st ESU-ESUT Masterclass on Urolithiasis Patras, Greece
2017Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics Bordeaux, France
20177th International Meeting Challenges in Endourology Paris, France
2017AUA Annual Meeting Boston, US
2017National Meeting of the AEU Renal Transplant GroupLa Coruña, Spain
201732nd EAU Annual Congress London, England
2017Symposium Semi-Live in Urology Heidelberg, Germany
20178th Minimal Invasive Procedures in Urology Course Jahn Ferenc South-Pest HospitalBudapest, Hungary
2016National Congress of the Georgian Urological Association Tbilisi, Georgia
2016World Congress of Endourology Cape Town, South Africa
20163rd ITRUST meeting “Education and Simulation in Urology: sharing standards for patient safety” Rome, Italy
20166th International Meeting Technology &Training in Endourology Turin, Italy
201613th Meeting of the EAU Robotic Urology Section Milan, Italy
2016Challenges in Endourology Paris, France
201631st EAU Annual Congress Munich, Germany
2016AUA Annual Meeting San Diego, US
2016European Association of Urology Annual MeetingMunich, Germany
2016European Urology Forum Davos, Switzerland
20164th Techno-Urology Meeting (TUM) Turin, Italy
2015CAU and SIUP Congress, National Meeting of the Mexican Urology Society Cancun, Mexico
20152nd ESU Masterclass on lasers in Urology, in collaborations with the EAU Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT) Barcelona, Spain
2015Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting Salamanca, Spain
2015AUA Annual Meeting New Orleans, US
2015European Association of Urology Annual Meeting, IBCG Meeting Madrid, Spain
2015National Meeting of the AEU Renal Transplant Group Madrid, Spain
2015European Urology Forum. Challenge the Experts Davos, Switzerland
20141st   ESU Masterclass on Lasers in Urology Barcelona, Spain
2014International Urology Congress of the Colombian Society of Urology Cartagena, Colombia
2014Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting Tenerife, Spain
2014International Meeting Challenges in Endourology and Functional Urology Paris, France
2014European Association of Urology Annual MeetingStockholm, Sweden
2014National Meeting of the AEU Lithiasis, Endourology, Laparoscopy and Robotic Groups  Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
2014European Urology Forum. Challenge the Experts Davos, Switzerland
2014AEU Working Groups Course Madrid, Spain
2013World Congress of Endourology New Orleans, US
2013World Congress of Cryosurgery Madrid, Spain
2013Italian Society of Urology Annual MeetingRiccione, Italy
2013International Meeting Challanges in Endourology and Functional Urology Paris, France
2013Spanish Association of Urology Annual Meeting Granada, Spain
2013National Meeting of the AEU Renal Transplant Group Tenerife, Spain
2013European Urology Forum. Challenge the experts Davos, Switzerland
2013AEU Working Groups CourseMadrid, Spain
2013American Urology Association Annual MeetingSan Diego, USA
2013European Association of Urology Annual MeetingMilan, Italy
2013World Congress of EndourologyNew Orleans, USA
2012World Congress of EndourologyIstanbul, Turkey
2012Spanish Association of Urology Annual MeetingVigo, Spain
2012Italian Endourology AssociationManfredonia, Italy
2012Challenge the Expert EAU Annual MeetingDavos, Switzerland
2012European Urology Association Annual MeetingParís, France
2011Spanish Association of Transplantation Annual MeetingSevilla, Spain
2011Spanish Association of Urology Annual MeetingMalaga, Spain
2011World Congress of Video UrologyTurin, Italy
2011Challenges in Laparoscopy and RoboticsLipsia, Germany
2011American Association of Urology Annual MeetingPhiladelphia, USA
2011Italian Association of Endourology Annual MeetingRome, Italy
2011Taiwan Association of Urology Annual MeetingTaipei, Taiwan
2010Italian Association of Endourology Annual MeetingMilan, Italy
2010European Urology Association Annual MeetingBarcelona, Spain
2009American Urology Association Annual MeetingChicago, USA
2009South Arabian National MeetingDamascus, Siria
2009World Congress of EndourologyMunich, Germany
2008European Urology Association Annual MeetingMilan, Italy
2008World Congress of EndourologyBeijing, China
2007Evidence based medicine in UrologyAthens, Greece
2007Annual Conference on Ablative TechnologyMiami, USA
2006Challenges in LaparoscopyRome, Italy
2006World Congress of EndourologyCleveland, USA
2005World Congress of EndourologyAmsterdam, Netherlands

Cursos de laparoscopia o endoscopia

2020Training Course in Robotic Kidney Transplantation, Orsi AcademyGhent, Belgium
2019ESU-ESUT Masterclass on Kidney Transplant Madrid, Spain
2018Training Course in Robotic Kidney Transplantation, Orsi Academy Melle, Belgium
201833rd EAU Annual Congress Copenhagen, Denmark
2016European Urology Forum Davos, Switzerland
2015European Urology Forum. Challenge the Experts Davos, Switzerland
2013Challenges in Laparoscopy and Robotics Beijing, China
2013American Urology Association Annual MeetingSan Diego, USA
2013European Association of Urology Annual MeetingMilan, Italy
2013World Congress of EndourologyNew Orleans, USA
2013European Urology Forum. Challenge the experts Davos, Switzerland
2012World Congress of EndourologyIstanbul, Turkey
2012European Urology Resident Education Programme, (EUREP)Praga, Chez Republic
2012European Association of Urology Annual MeetingParis, France
2012European Urology Forum: Challenge the ExpertsDavos, Switzerland
2011World Congress of EndourologyKyoto, Japan
2011American Association of Urology Annual MeetingWashington DC, USA
2011European Urology Forum: Challenge the ExpertsDavos, Switzerland
2010World Congress of EndourologyChicago, USA
2010American Association of Urology Annual MeetingSan Francisco, USA
2010European Association of Urology Annual MeetingBarcelona, Spain
2010European Urology Forum: Challenge the ExpertsDavos, Switzerland
2009Syrian National Meeting (MMSA)Damascus, Syria
2009World Congress of EndourologyMunich, Germany
2008European Association of Urology Annual MeetingMilan, Italy
2008European Urology Forum: Challenge the ExpertsDavos, Switzerland
2007Evidence based medicine in UrologyAthens, Greece

Vídeo presentaciones

Breda A, Bui M, Schulam PGLaser partial nephrectomy without hilar clamping in a porcine model using the Revolix laserWorld Congress of EndourologyAmsterdam 2005
Breda A, Bui M, Lerman S, Schulam PGLaparoscopic partial nephrectomy in children using a 3 mm laparoscopeWorld Congress of EndourologyAmsterdam 2005
Breda A, Leppert J, Schulam PGLaparoscopic Live Donor NephrectomyAmerican Association of Urology, Annual MeetingAtlanta 2007
Breda A, Harper J, Schulam PGModification of Laparoscopic Live Donor Technique. Experience learned over 10 yearsAmerican Association of Urology, Annual MeetingChicago 2009
Breda A, Gausa L, Rosales A, Rodriguez O, Villavicencio HRobotic live donor nephrectomyAEUBilbao 2010
Breda A., L. Gausa, E. Cordeiro, O. Rodríguez-Faba, H.M. Villavicencio HInitial Experience with Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Live Donor NephrectomyWCEChicago 2010
J. Palou, A. Breda, L. Gausa, J.M. Gaya, O. Rodríguez-Faba, H.M. VillavicencioLymphadenectomy at the time of robot-assisted radical cystectomy: procedure and performanceWCEChicago 2010
J. Palou, A. Breda, L. Gausa, D. Rengifo, J.A. Peña, A. Dominguez, H.M. VillavicencioSimplified method of robotic-asisted laparoscopic neprhoureterectomy: adequate position of the trocarsWCEChicago 2010
Breda A, Gausa L, Rodriguz Fava O, Villavicencio HRobotic Assisted Live Donor Technique: en Evolving TechniqueAUA2011
Peña A., Breda A, Rodriguez Faba O, Gausa L and Villavicencio HRetroperitoneal partial nephrectomy with no-ischemia timeAEU2011
Breda A, Rodriguez Faba O, Gausa L, Villavicencio HLive donor nephrectomy with the use of 3 mm instrumentsAEU2012